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- TurboCalc © 1993-1996 Michael Friedrich
- =======================================
- The AutoOpen Directory
- ======================
- TurboCalc has the ability to automatically read in the contents
- of sheets at startup. This has to set using the
- <Options-Global Settings> menu option using the 'AutoOpen-Directory'
- fields: A tick-mark turns on the AutoOpen feature and the text field
- defines the directory, from which TurboCalc should automatically
- read all TurboCalc spreadsheets.
- The default is 'AutoOpen' which would normally correspond to this
- directory (where this file is located). It's then sufficient to
- simply click on the gadget to set the tick-mark.
- Once this is done and <Options-Config. Save> is selected, the next
- startup will result in the following sheets being loaded automatically:
- * Auto_AutoFormat
- * Auto_WhatIf
- These two macros extend the internal menus to provide the
- <Commands-WhatIf> and <Format-AutoFormat> commands; a description
- of which follows.
- The files are read in automatically in background so no window needs
- to be opened for that - thus they provide a means of externally
- extending the command set.
- Both macros can be found, in a slightly modified form, in the
- Sheets3.0 directory (as Macro_AutoFormat and Macro_WhatIf
- respectively). They open, as distinct from the above, a sheet window
- and display relevant information. They are provided for you to
- inspect and to try out.
- Notes:
- ------
- 1. The new commands are normal TurboCalc macros. Please note that:
- * Macros don't run as fast as internal commands. Be patient.
- * Rigorous error handling and handling of details is limited.
- * On the other hand, you may alter these macros to suit your
- own special needs.
- * The macros should also encourage you to do some of your own
- programming to explore various possibilities and tricks.
- (Should you develop your own commands and wish to share them
- with other TurboCalc users, you can send them to us.)
- 2. If you have altered the global configuration, you *must* also
- save this to allow subsequent starts to use it. Otherwise they
- will use the previously-saved configuration.
- Format-AutoFormat
- =================
- This macro facilitates automatic formatting of sheets. Simply
- select the area to format (including titles) and choose the
- (new) <Format-AutoFormat> menu option.
- A window will open providing various formatting options in the
- left half.
- The upper-right allows you to specify if the selected area has
- titles, as well as a totals row (which may also be used for
- another purpose) at the base of the marked area.
- Choose your desired format - the format changes will be displayed
- immediately in the sheet so that you can see the effect immediately.
- Once you have determined the right format, simply click on >OK<
- to preserve that format and to exit AutoFormat.
- If you don't like any of the format styles and wish to revert
- to that which was present before you selected AutoFormat, click
- >UNDO<.
- Commands-WhatIf
- ===============
- This macro implements What-If analysis.
- A sheet is generated in which a target cell is represented in
- relation to one or two variable (parameter) cells.
- (Simple) Example:
- Cell A1 holds the number of units,
- cell A2 contains the unit profit
- and cell A3 holds the formula =A1*A2 and thus calculates the
- gross profit.
- (In a real world example, A1 would consist of the difference
- between buy and sell prices as well as adjustments to allow
- for other factors - but let's keep *this* example simple.)
- Now, a spreadsheet can be formed which appears as follows:
- Units 1 2 3 4 5 <- Unit Profit
- #
- 1 1 2 3 4 5
- 2 2 4 6 8 10
- 3 3 6 9 12 15
- 4 4 7 12 16 20
- Gross profit can be readily ascertained from the above allowing
- for direct comparison between different prices.
- A chart can also be generated to represent this.
- Generation
- ----------
- To generate the WhatIf analysis for the current active sheet, select
- <Commands-WhatIf>.
- A window will open in which you must set various parameters:
- (Values in brackets apply to our example.)
- Monitor Cell: This is the cell which changes in relation
- to the others and is to be used for the
- contents of the new sheet. (A3 in our example.)
- Variable Cell: The parameter which should be varied.
- Cell Indicate the cell (A1)
- S.-Value These three values are used to determine the
- E.-Value over which the cell should be varied. The
- Step S.-Value is entered into the cell, the sheet
- recalculated, the value of the monitor cell
- extracted. The 'Cell' is then incremented by
- the 'Step' and the process repeated until the
- E.-Value is reached.
- (1,5,1 in our example)
- Second Variable Cell: The second parameter which should be varied.
- Activate Select this if you want a second parameter
- to be varied (see below). Then set the values:
- Cell corresponds only to the second variable cell.
- S.-Value Need only be filled in if the 'Activate' has
- E.-Value been selected.
- Step (A2, 1,4,1)
- When all fields have been adjusted, click on >OK<. All values
- will then be calculated in sequence and the result 'noted'. This
- can take a while so be patient!
- After this, a new sheet is opened and the generated data filled
- in starting at position A1.
- Activating Second Variable
- --------------------------
- The What-If analysis can (optionally) be performed using two parameters:
- Single Parameter: A sheet consisting of 2 columns will be generated. The
- first column holds the values of the variable parameter, and
- the second the result.
- Two Parameters: This will generate a sheet in which the first column
- holds the values of the first variable parameter, and the
- first row holds the values of the second variable parameter.
- Remaining cells contain respective results.
- Note:
- -----
- The macro does some error checking yet it is possible that erroneous
- input (incorrect cell specification, wrong values) will lead to errors.
- Once values are corrected (if necessary, by selecting WhatIf again),
- all should work fine.
- Also note that the sheet is limited to a size of 1000x1000 to
- restrict start, end and step values.
- Macro_Help_for_OS2.TCD
- ======================
- TurboCalc's online help needs version 37 (or higher) of the
- "amigaguide.library" - it thus only works with OS3.x
- This macro has been created to allow users with an older version
- of the operation system (OS1.3 and OS2.x) to use the online help.
- Macro_Help_for_OS2.TCD changes the "help" menu items to use the
- external viewer AmigaGuide which is shipped with the OS2.x.
- Requirements:
- * "SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide" must exist
- (in exactly this directory - the default drawer for OS2.x)
- * If you start TurboCalc from shell, first change to TurboCalc's
- home directory (i.e. the directory TurboCalc and the drawer Help
- is located in)
- or simply start TurboCalc from WorkBench.
- Installing the macro:
- * Simply load the file, the automatic macro is executed immediately.
- * To run the macro every time TurboCalc is started, copy the macro
- to the AutoOpen-Drawer (see introduction of this file)
- Please use the file Macro_Help_for_OS2_b.TCD for that purpose
- as that version is loaded silently and does not open a sheet window.
- If you have installed TurboCalc using "Installer" this has
- been done for you (for OS1.x and OS2.x)
- has
- * Finally enable TurboCalc's AutoOpen feature (see introduction)